Shah Fahad Hailing from Peshawar Residing in Dubai A well-known personality in the field of Web Development & Digital Marketing along with it he has a strong grip on Linux and Digital Marketing From childhood, he has the urge to do something incredible in his life. His mission is to accomplish his online business and deliver the tactics to the newbies to reach the sky.\
He has worldwide clients and known for his dynamic work on different online platforms. Along with his other skills Shah has hands on experience in SEO & Digital marketing from his childhood he was practicing it and now is an expert. With his remarkable experience in such fields he is known worldwide and delivering and teaching these services to others to gain something and compete in upcoming times where everything is gonna change and physical business are at high risk in near future Shah has already prepared himself and so has intentions to train others. Shah is the name behind many prevailing business and entrepreneurs which names are confidential yet. He has more than 50k followers on Social Media Platforms which are increasing on each passing day. Knowing the fact Shah has many online business and contributing to the society he is also a verified artist on Spotify where in his spare time he practice singing and play different type of musical instrument. Shah has now more than 8 years practical experience in Digital Marketing, WordPress, Web Development, Linux Server & Pentesting